Sunday, September 10, 2017

It Ain't Easy

Life isn't always easy and fun. Lionel Richie didn't say that everyday would be "Easy Like Sunday Mornin'". Your day just feels as though nothing is going right. Allergies happen and put you out of commission for the weekend. (Boo no fun) You'll be placed in situations that test your patience. People will test your patience. :-) Sometimes you don't want to pretend to ignore the person who whistled at you in the grocery store parking lot. I miss my family. Being an adult is hard.

This was my week in a nut shell and in all honesty? I let it get to me. I chose to dwell on the not so great things instead of looking at the other positive things going on around me. I'm still continuing to LOVE the band I'm in and I love going to rehearsal twice a week to see what new things we can accomplish musically. Shoutout to Kandace and Garyn for being pretty much the best singers I could possibly get to work with and for being so kind and fun yay music !!  All of my other classes are going so smoothly. I've already attended a small group with an old friend (hey Madeline) that i really kinda love. I haven't gotten lost in OKC yet which is a huge accomplishment for this directionally challenged girl. So why did I let myself get down in the dumps? Why couldn't I just look at all of the cool things God is doing around me? Because I'm HUMAN.

I beat myself up for letting my week feel like it was getting continually worse. I could have easily turned it around. So I stopped myself, and I had to ask Jesus to forgive me for not turning to Him in my moments of weakness and frustration. I know life can throw a lot more at a person than just a crappy week, but in the moment, it can be all consuming. So the next time the whole world just seems to be against you, stop, and just talk to Jesus.

Me and Jesus worked it all out. I watched Miss America with mom via text. And I'm ready for a better more joyful week.

Keep on keepin' on, friend.

"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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