Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hello to New Adventures

Week 1 of Music school: COMPLETE. Holy cow, what a crazy cool place! Going to school downtown, surrounded by all kinds of crazy talented & passionate people who love music just as much as I do! Super cool. However, the one draw back of this whole experience, is being truly immersed in a secular culture. Obviously, I'm not naive. I know that's the world we all live in, but I'm not in church filled town Owasso anymore.

Since I was accepted to ACM, I prayed and prayed that the Lord would send at least ONE Christian friend to this school so I could have a Christ-like person in my life. Someone I could rely on, who could pray with me and be another light in this dark world. And friends, it's just like Jesus for that to happen. As a performance student, I get to be in a student band. Those band lists came out this past Friday, and what do you know, one of my new bandmates finds me on Instagram. Guess what. She loves Jesus! We talked very briefly, and really, you couldn't begin to understand the total relief that I felt in that moment. I can't wait to meet her tomorrow as well as my other new band buddies!

Leave it to Jesus to know what is best for you and to have your path lined out just the way it is supposed to be. Are there still some nerves about what this school year holds? For what this crazy industry that I'm going into could really be?? Of course! But if God can provide a simple Instagram message from a sister in Christ, He can prepare this journey ahead of me.

Make this week a great one, friends.

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

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