Thursday, November 9, 2017


In class last Friday, my instructor asked the class to write down one thing that is unique about our individual talents. She wanted us to realize that whatever we wrote down did not make us special. In the music industry, we still have to fight for what we want to achieve no matter how "good" we are, and we can't be conceited about what could potentially make us stand out. While I understand what she was getting at, I don't agree with everything she said; because I am called.

The moment she asked us to write down our thoughts, the Lord immediately spoke to me and I probably looked like a smiling goofball. I wrote, "I am CALLED. My talent is God-Given, and is to be used for His glory." I'm not saying God didn't give the other people in my class talent, or call them to this industry, but on the other hand, I know a lot of them don't live for the Lord and are truly in this for the fame and fortune (yes, that was another class discussion). I want to be used by Jesus, while most people in this industry only want their name to be known.

I've had dreams of being a singer for as long as I can remember. God given dreams. My senior year of high school, while everyone else was busy applying for colleges and picking majors, I was stuck. I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do. All I knew was I wanted to sing. It's not a hobby for me, or just something I enjoy doing when I can. It's a passion and what I want to do for the rest of my life. So people assumed, "Oh! You'll go to a Christian school and be some kind of Worship leader like your dad!" Not what I was thinking, friend. And I didn't really want to go to another university and be in choir for four years with a music degree that would qualify me to teach or perform classically. I wanted something different. All I knew was that God had something different for me. One day, it was like running into a sign with big flashing lights. This world needs Jesus. And I just knew. I need to be a Jesus follower in the secular music world. I need to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the dark, sinful, secular music industry. Imagine what someone like Beyonce, Sam Smith, or any other big name musician could do for the Kingdom with their fan base if they loved the Lord. I'm not saying they have to preach a sermon at every concert. But people can see when something is different about you. They want what these famous people have. And if they have Jesus? Maybe they will want that too.

Am I saying that I won't have to work hard to be a musician? Absolutely not. Do I think God will just hand me my wildest dreams on a silver platter? Nope. But God has a plan and purpose for me. It doesn't mean my journey will be any easier than the next guy's, but He will continue to guide and direct me. I believe when God sees us doing our part in developing what he has given us, He will open doors we could never dream of. God wouldn't put you or me in the position to see our dreams, and then not give us the abilities and tools to accomplish it.

I hope this encourages you in the pursuit of whatever sets your soul on fire.
Keep living for Him, friend.

"All glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20


  1. Love this, Peri!!! So happy for you. Love watching your God dreams come true!

  2. I’m believing with you for God to use you to reach more people than you dreamed! Love you and proud of you!

  3. Wow, that is great Peri! It makes me want to dig out the old tools, dust them off and start trying to remember what my dreams were before I just quit daring to dream! You are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing your heart.
