Sunday, January 7, 2018

Live Ya Best Life

Happy 2018!!

As I'm all settled back into my apartment for a new semester of school, all of the 2017 mems are rolling through my head. It's been a crazy year of change. My family moved from our house of 7 years to an apartment (miss you 8943). I moved out and started the school year somewhere totally new. I've lost some friends. I've made new friends. I've strengthened old ones. I turned 20, wowza. I started a new business adventure. I had happy days and some sad days. And all the in between days. Even in the months of struggle and questioning, I can't help but see God's faithfulness and favor over 2017. I know He will continue to pour out blessings and guide steps in this new year.

My pastor preached this morning on being your best self in the new year and it really resonated with me. I want to be the most joyful me on days when I feel sad. I want to be the most excited me for my friends and their new adventures. I want to be the most supportive me when times get tough. I want to be the best daughter, girlfriend, sister, and friend for the people in my life. Shoot! I want to be the happiest me when I pass a stranger on the street! But most importantly, I want to be the most Christ-like me I can be. I want the Lord to shine through me in every situation and to every person. I want to continue to grow in the Lord in every aspect of my life. I want God to use me BIG this year.

I challenge you to be the best you this year. Yes, life gets tough. Yes, there are going to be bad days, but push through! Because there will be so many great days. Stay strong. Be resilient. Be your BEST self.

Live ya best life, friend.

1 comment :

  1. Peri, I am so proud of you! I cannot tell you what joy it brings to watch you grow from a little girl who had to know exactly what order we would run errands in and who straightened all the crooked things she passed into a woman of God that has found freedom in trusting Him and realizing change is okay. I love you so much!

    p.s. I miss 8943 too, but I can't wait to see what the next adventure brings!
