Friday, September 28, 2018

Confessions of an Over-thinker.

Hey, I'm Peri, and I overthink. Everything. All the time.
I ruin a ton of really good things by thinking about it too much.
I can't let something good happen without wondering what bad thing could happen next.
I second guess everything.
I analyze things to death.
I expect the worst when I know I shouldn't.
I hate hate hate making any decision. Don't even think about asking me where I want to go eat because I go back and forth and back and forth no matter HOW simple.
I struggle letting things go because I replay the scenario over and over trying to figure out what went wrong.
I rarely feel 100% certain about what I'm doing.
I feel like I can't turn my brain off and just enjoy a moment.
Sleep is hard sometimes because of this brain not turning off issue.
I criticize myself a lot.
I plan conversations so I don't fumble my words or mess up the story.
I even start to overthink my overthinking.

I think the "logic" behind my overthinking is wanting to prepared for how every situation could possibly go. It's also a side-effect of being a perfectionist. *see Confessions of a Perfectionist*
I realize that I'm irrational. Please don't tell me to calm down and to stop overthinking because it's definitely not that simple. Trust me, if I could just stop my vicious cycle of thinking too much at the flip of a switch, I would!! So to the people who are close to over thinkers, take my advice and just be there. Listen when they're ready to talk and explain what's going on. But don't ask them to talk about it because trying to explain what's going on in our minds is nearly impossible 9 times out of 10. Forming words and sentences that make sense when your brain is running a million miles a minute feels impossible and can cause anxiety.

Overthinking ultimately can ruin you. It twists your current moment into something it's not. It makes you worry about things and makes everything seem much worse than it is. Take a deep breath and tell yourself what you KNOW to be true. Don't let the possibilities of mistakes and things going wrong keep you from doing fun things. I know I do that a lot, but I am thankful for family members and a boyfriend who recognize those tendencies and push me to do things anyway. Don't let overthinking take over your life. I have had days and moments quite often where it feels like I let my thoughts take control and change the direction of the good things. Satan will use anything he can to get a hold on you. Even if it's something as simple as overthinking. Don't let him have your mind and your thoughts. Nothing  can steal your joy. Not even overthinking your joy.

Take a deep breath.
Repeat until you feel better.
Have a little faith that what is meant to be will be.
Have a wonderful week, friend.

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." John 14:1

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