Friday, September 7, 2018

Confessions of a Perfectionist

Hi, I'm Peri, and I'm a perfectionist.
I have been this way since I was very little.
Since day one, I've been very particular about tiny details.
I don't like a messy space.
I don't like it when the part in my hair is wonky.
I don't like wrinkly clothes.
I don't like when song lyrics don't rhyme.
I want everything to be straight and neat.
I can't procrastinate because it leaves no room for error in such a short time.
I'm incredibly hard on myself.
I can't settle for "good enough".
I don't take any sort of compliment well because most times, I don't agree.
Everything in my apartment has a home and it stays there.
I changed my sheets this morning and almost had to bust out the iron because the wrinkles were driving me nuts.
I hate songwriting because the process isn't easy and can't be, well. Perfect.
I re-write notes because I don't like smudges.
My closet is in color order...
The list could go on and on, but basically I'm super OCD. Let's be real, that probably should've been my "confession".

But despite all of my daily struggles and frustrations of dealing with this perfectionist mindset, I'm learning that there is NO fun in perfection. It's exhausting. While I don't think there is anything wrong with holding myself to a high standard, or liking my home to be clean, there is a b a l a n c e.
So, to all you perfectionists out there, or for the people who have a perfectionist in their life, let's help each other out. Perfectionism can make you feel inadequate and like you just suck at everything, but y'all know that's not true! Change your standards a bit. Trust me, I totally realize that's easier said than done. But let's try to hold ourselves to a standard of grace rather than perfection. This new, more forgiving and gracious mindset won't change in a day. It will take daily effort and action. And to the significant others, siblings, friends, and family members that have a perfectionist in their life, and you just don't get it: Be. Patient. We know that we can be frustrating. We know we don't neeeeed to fix that crooked picture in the restaurant. But we can't help it! Sorry mom, I know I concerned you when I was two and couldn't color outside the lines without having a freak out.
Let us do our thing, but remind us that it's okay for things to go wrong once in awhile. It's okay for things to not end up perfect. That's just life man, but sometimes, we forget it. We can't help it.
So to my perfectionist friends, don't be so hard on yourself!
Chill out sometimes. Make a mess. Then clean it up because I know you can't help it. Be your perfectionist self, but be a little more gracious with yourself, k?

Strive for Progress,
Not Perfection.
Have a grace filled week, friends.

"My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds it's full expression through your weakness."  2 Corinthians 12:9

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