Saturday, October 27, 2018

Confessions of a People Pleaser

Hello,  my name is Peri and I have this thing where I want to please everyone. All the time. Even though I know I can't.
More often than not, I take care of other's needs before my own.
I'm always busy because I can't say no.
I apologize for everything.
I worry people won't like me.
I avoid conflict at all costs.
I don't voice my opinions typically.
I fear I'll let people down constantly.
I overthink (see Confessions of an Over-thinker) certain situations and question if I did the right thing constantly.

But here's the deal. Sometimes pleasing everyone, and climbing mountains for every person who asks for help, results in your downfall. You become stressed because other's problems are your priority. You forget how to take care of yourself when you always take care of others. I have learned a very important lesson: You will NEVER be able to please everyone. Not everyone will like how you solve a certain issue. Some people will never think the endless care and love you give them is enough. Not everyone will like how you fix your hair. Of course not every individual will agree with your opinions. You're going to let people down, even if it isn't on purpose. Don't let those people determine how you live your own life. Don't be scared of what people will think of your decisions. Don't be too scared that you will let someone down by saying no. Who cares what they say! This is YOUR life to live, not theirs. More than likely, if they are judging every little detail of your life, they have their own problems they should work out. (was that too blunt? oops) At the end of the day, the people who are the most important to you will love you for who you are. You won't have to go out of your way to please them. They shouldn't cause an excess of stress in your life. People pleasing hides the real you! How can you be yourself if you're focused solely on everyone around you? I'm not saying to not be nice. Be nice. I'm not saying you can't go out of your way to help people. Help them! Just don't let it overwhelm you. Be true to yourself. And don't sacrifice that for anyone.

Let's make a decision today, together. I will:
*stop saying yes to everything and everyone
*I will stop agreeing with everything everyone says and does just so I don't upset them
*I will protect my time and my sanity
*I will not rip myself to pieces to keep others whole
*I will not let others take advantage of my kindness (but remain kind!!!)
*I will set boundaries for myself
*I will take care of myself more
And last but not least...
*I will let pleasing God become bigger than pleasing people!
Have a great day, friend. Go take care of yourself.

"In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success."
Proverbs 3:6

"Do not be afraid of them, the Lord your God himself will fight for you." Deuteronomy 3:22

1 comment :

  1. Great words of wisdom and good to learn this while you’re young before saying yes to everyone and everything consumes you! So proud of you!
