Friday, November 9, 2018

Tiny Victories

I don't know about y'all, but sometimes I feel like I have to do everything in the world for the day to be successful. Every assignment has to be completed, every nook and cranny clean, all of my friends and family happy, blog post written, business ideas completed, and the list goes on. That "list" is different for everyone. It's really easy to feel like a failure when that list doesn't have every tiny thing checked off.
*Reality Check*
It is OKAY to not get everything done every single day. Should you have days where you are really productive and get lots and lots done? Sure! There's nothing wrong with that. Those days can be good for the soul too. But don't work yourself silly! There is nothing wrong with taking a step back, relaxing, and moving some things from your list today to tomorrow's list.

I am learning a lot about celebrating tiny victories. Sometimes? That tiny victory can be as small as getting out of the bed and actually putting real people clothes on. Tiny victories can be making your bed and getting some fresh air. One of my more common tiny victories is talking to people... I'm so introverted and thrive off of alone time, I get trapped in a cycle of not having human interaction on my off days. Maybe you smiled at strangers today, celebrate that! Maybe you got a head start on your homework! Celebrate!! Don't let the things you didn't accomplish take away from all that you were able to do. Don't let all the things that "need" to get done stress you out every single day. Do what you can, celebrate it, start over the next day. There are days that I celebrate getting nothing done! I end up having more fun with my roommate binge watching our show or running around Target for hours wishing we could buy all of the things. Did I get my homework done early? No, but I get to celebrate the victory of friendship and fun.

It is beyond easy to get trapped in the vicious cycle of busy. Busy creates stress and chaos. You can't be a victim and claim victory at the same time. Celebrate the little things. Squeeze every moment you can out of everyday. Let what you do today be enough.
Tiny victories, friends. Find them. They are wonderful.
And don't forget! Your victory is ultimately found in Jesus.