Sunday, December 2, 2018

thankful. grateful. blessed.

It's that time of the year where we all (hopefully) get to see our friends and families a little more. Plenty of holiday parties, gift exchanges, if you're in my family, extra music all the time. Hopefully, it's a time for you to sit back for a minute and realize how blessed you are. Guess what? I did just that. 

It started over the Thanksgiving holiday. I got to see family members I haven't seen in awhile. I got to spend some quality time with my boyfriend. My sister and I were able to catch each other up on everything from the school semester. I just felt overwhelming joy in my heart, and truly thankful for the special people in my life. I decided that I did not want to let that just be a fleeting feeling. So, from that moment on, I took in every blessing in my life. This year has had it's fair share of ups and downs. It's so easy to look at the downs, the bleak moments, the sadness and angst and let it outweigh the good. I blocked all of that out. I took those moments in and examined what I learned from them. And guess what, friends!! I learned some really great lessons this year from every good, bad, and ugly moment. I count that as a blessing. I'm thankful I let Jesus teach me new things. Even things I had to learn the hard way sometimes... but He knows I'm stubborn, so we're cool. I thanked my God for every test and trial He put me through this year. I thanked Him for the really spectacular and special moments too. I thanked him for the wonderful people in my life. And I thanked Him for the many blessings He has given me this year. 

I didn't stop there!! I loved this extra happy, grateful Peri. And my heart just burst last night. My sweet roommate and I had friends over for a "Thanksmas" party. Get it?? Thanksgiving and Christmas all in one?! It's great. It was a total blast. Everyone had so much fun. We played Dirty Santa, my personal fave. We laughed so much. It was so cool. We had many old friends there. Friends who have been along for the ride with us for years. We had new friends come and join the fun. There was even someone who came that my roommate and I didn't even know! I was reminded again, as I sat and watched the people around me, how truly blessed I am. That feeling of pure thankfulness rushed over me and I just smiled as I took it all in. I am blessed. 

Not everything in life is going to be perfect. You will have bad days, weeks, months even. You might lose a job. A close friend might walk out on you. Your plans may change and seem difficult at first. But I promise you, it all works out. Every time. You are so blessed. I don't care how much or little is in your bank account. I don't care if you only have one friend. You have so much to be thankful for. Don't let the bad take away the good and even the great. I challenge you to take a step back and see what lessons you have learned from the bad. Examine every little thing that has changed you for the better. Thank God for what He has blessed you with. Live life with a grateful heart everyday. Not just in November and December. Be thankful. Be grateful. Because you are blessed.

Happy Thanksmas, friends. 

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