Friday, December 7, 2018

Confessions of the "Mom Friend"

Hi, there. My name is Peri, and I am the mom friend.
When friends come over? I make sure they have some food and something to drink.
I offer to cook entire meals for my friends.
I sometimes follow people and clean up messes as I go. Oops.
I do my best to check in on everyone, but sometimes I forget. Because I get tired.
I listen very well and give the best advice I can.
Sometimes I do the "stop it" thing when things get a little crazy or people get out of hand. But let's be real. I just want everyone to come out alive.
I like to watch what's going on around me versus joining in on the fun.
I just want everyone to feel loved and important.
I care. A lot.

I asked a few of my friends why they think I'm a mom friend. At least one person, or multiple, said these things about me:
1. "You're more mature than the rest of us."
2. "Everybody goes to you for advice." & "You're the one people go to talk to."
3. "You really care about the people around you."
4. "You're nurturing."
5. "You're really dependable."
6.  "You're always making sure everyone is okay, and making sure they're comfortable in your home."
7. "You're understanding."
8. "You're a spectator and see the bigger picture."
9. "You're the rational one."
And one of my personal favorties!
10. "You know how moms know when a girl isn't ACTUALLY a good friend before you do? That's how you are!"

Now, all of these things definitely aren't bad qualities. But I would be lying if I didn't laugh reading these. I really can't just be a normal 21 year old girl when she hangs out with her friends, huh? I have to be the mom. At the end of the day I don't mind it. I just want everyone to be happy and cared for. I don't want someone leaving my apartment saying, "Man, she just isn't very hospitable." I was raised better than that! Friends, I promise that I know that I can be a little overbearing at times. I'm working on it because I know that I'm not your mother. Just remember, I really do care about you. So much. And I would do anything for you!

So to all of you mom friends, or maybe even dad friends (is that a thing??) out there, keep being you!!  Clearly our friends need us and appreciate us for the people we are. We're the ones people think have it all together (even though we don't). Apparently we give the best advice? (but shhhh, they don't have to know that we don't always know what we're talking about) We can't change who we are, so why not use it to help the people we care for the most! Here's to the mom friends!
Go be you, friends. Have a great week!

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