Friday, August 10, 2018


"Pick me. Choose me. Love me." -Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

The society we live in today feeds off of acceptance. We live in a world where we are willing to pay whatever price to be chosen and loved. As a whole, we have become willing to compromise who we are to fit in with the crowds we deem "cool". We give up our individuality for the cute girl or guy who wouldn't like us for who we are; or so we think. Why do we never seem to measure up to the standards placed on us by the world? Why do we struggle to fit in and make friends? I'm just as guilty as the next, but we get stuck in a rut of comparison. We want to be like the girls who look perfect on Instagram. We want to be as carefree and funny as the Twitter famous individuals. We want to fit in, whatever that means.

Wake up call: YOU WON'T EVER MEASURE UP TO THE WORLD'S STANDARDS. You are who you are for a reason. God created you to be YOU. We were called to stand out from the rest of the world. If you keep comparing yourself to others, and distracting yourself with measuring up to what your friends, family, fans, & followers want you to be, you will never be enough. God can't use you for what He wants when you don't let him. Being someone else isn't why you're here. God created you for a very specific purpose. I can't tell you what that is. But I can tell you that God made you the way you are. You are so beyond perfect in His eyes. He wants to use you for great things. So search for purpose! Keep your eyes on him and not on comparing yourself to the people around you. No one else could ever be you. That is your power. Embrace every flaw, every quirk, every like and dislike, and every tiny detail about you.

Claim today, "I will stop comparing myself!"
You are good enough.
You are chosen by the Most High.
You are loved, friend.

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