Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Valley

For a lot of 2018, I felt like I was in a valley, so to speak. I worked my booty off to climb back up the mountain. And I did! I made it to the mountain top. It felt good. I worked hard and learned so much. The valley wasn't all bad! I had a new view on life, but I finally had my moment of victory- overcoming everything life had thrown at me. It was a journey, but worth every moment. I am so much better for it.

In a matter of moments, that victory was snatched out from under my feet. Something came and pushed me (hard, might I add) back into a new deep, dark valley. I had no warning. No chance to prepare. No chance to grab the ledge of the mountain and climb back up. Nope. I was pushed straight. into. the valley.

 I felt stunned for a minute. Life hit really hard, really fast, and I was dazed & confused. That's what falling from a mountain top will do to ya, I guess.
Then I felt hopeless the next minute.
"Really?? I worked so hard to climb that crazy mountain, and here I am, at the bottom again?!"
It took some time, but I pulled myself together. The last several weeks have been insane. If I could only explain to you the range of crazy emotions I've been feeling. But I'll have you know, I refuse to stay in this valley. Every day I face something new, but I'm already climbing. Slowly...but surely. I will make it back up. New mountains mean new lessons to learn, and a stronger me at the end.
Now let me tell you, I'm tired. I'm really tired from climbing this huge monstrous mountain in front of me. I just got done climbing a giant mountain for crying out loud! I want a break! Some days, my emotions get the best of me and I just want to quit. I just want to pretend nothing is wrong and I'm still on top of that previous mountain. But I have good news! If you get tired along the way, take a break! Rest. But do not quit. I'm learning how to rest in Jesus. It's a lot easier to rest your body than your mind. So much easier. Quieting your mind is really hard, but when you can get all the voices to hush up for a bit, it's so nice. Take some time to quiet your mind and take a little rest.

Whatever battle you are facing today, no matter how hard the climb up this mountain in front of you looks, you are strong enough. You are brave enough. You are courageous enough. No mountain is too big for you and Jesus to face together. It may seem bleak, but this test was put in front of you for a reason. You will reach the top and claim your victory. There's no time limit, so don't rush yourself. It's really easy to feel like you have to conquer it all in a day or a week. But you don't! This could take some time, so pace yourself. Make the most of whatever is in front of you today. So what, you're in a valley. I know it's hard, and it's okay to have bad days. Just continue to rise above and face this head on. Also, the valley can have a pretty awesome view. Even though you might like the view at the top of the mountain better, if you look at your surroundings, you might see something you didn't notice before. A new perspective can change everything.

Your life may look and feel like total chaos right now. I know mine has over the last several weeks, so I am right there with you. But even in the chaos, Jesus will make a way. He can bring peace to the restless heart and mind. He wouldn't send you into this new season alone. He is with you. He goes before you. He is climbing this mountain with you. He will use all of this to work together for your good. One day? We'll be able to look back on our mountains and valleys and see with clear eyes why we had to endure these things. Just like Jesus said in John chapter 13, "You don't understand what I'm doing now, but someday you will." !!!!! God is leading you somewhere. He's taking care of you. You're going to make it through this!! And the top of that mountain will be so worth it, friend. Don't stop climbing.

"So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while." 1 Peter 1:6


  1. Thanks for sharing. We've all been there at one time or another.

  2. Oh my girl! Hard lessons.... but each new valley/mountain will bring you closer to Jesus, make you stronger than you can imagine, and give you perspective that will help you and everyone around you! xoxoxoxo
