Wednesday, May 22, 2019

When the Feelings are Too Much...

When the feelings are too much, and your heart hurts from the heaviness of the past, take a break because it will pass.

When your pain comes from a deep place that you can't control, close your eyes and breathe because you don't have to carry this alone.

When things no longer make sense, and you don't understand why things had to happen this way, remember that it is okay to not be okay.

When you grow tired of pretending everything is okay, re-set, re-adjust, and restart.

When you feel trapped or stuck with these feelings, remember that not everything is meant for you to carry. I know it feels heavy, but you are free to put this down.

When you hear the whispers behind your back, stay kind and be true to yourself. Their opinions are not your problem.

When your "no" upsets some folks, remember your freedom is more important than their anger.

When you're in a dark place, and you feel as though you've been buried, I think perhaps, you've been planted, and you're beginning to bloom.

When you feel like you're falling, maybe you should pick something up while you're down there. It could be beautiful.

When you feel broken, remind yourself that you aren't broken beyond repair.

When it is hard to understand why things happened the way they did, just remember, you don't have to understand it all right now.

When you no longer know where to turn, sit with it for a moment. Sometimes, healing happens by feeling.

     Your heart is still beating.
     You are still breathing.
      In & Out.
      The feelings may be too much, they may feel overwhelming, but you aren't going through this for nothing.

There will be a day when it all goes away. You'll wake up one morning, notice it on your drive to work, or maybe you'll feel relief one day at lunch with a friend. You'll find that peace. In an unexpected place, and at an unexpected time. I know it's hard right now, but it does get better. Your mind won't race every night. Your heart won't break every time you hear their name. People will stop asking you too many questions. And you'll forgive yourself for the unnecessary blame you placed on yourself. To every person reading this with a restless soul and a broken or aching heart, I want you to know that sometimes you have to break down to breakthrough. Your breakthrough is coming. Your feelings don't make you weak. They are necessary for your healing. They will teach you new things about yourself. You will be stronger on the other side of this. Things seem to fall together even better than they were before after they fall apart. Feel through these things, it's a good reminder that you're human, and that this will be okay in time.

When you heal, you will understand why things broke.

The Lord will strengthen you. He will carry you. He will restore everything that was broken and lost. The Lord will use all of this for good.

"The hurt is real, but so is grace."
      Morgan Harper Nichols

1 comment :

  1. Peri this is such wisdom. It breaks my heart to know the pain you’ve felt. Too young to deal with so much. However, what you’ve learned and experienced thus far in life and how you’ve come through is a testament of who you truly are and how strong you are... in your faith and as a lady! I’m beyond proud of you and grateful that you’ve allowed these things to make you strong and not break you. You are amazing!! I love you!! ��
